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Author Topic: Cuelux vs VisualDMX  (Read 6744 times)

2010 May 29, 16:30:53
Read 6744 times


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Admittedly, I am new to DMX (and lighting in general), but what better way to learn then to ask questions right?!  :)

What exactly are the differences between these Cuelux and VisualDMX?
Cuelux seems to be similar to Elation's Emulation, while all other DMX software programs seem more like VisualDMX.
What are the differences between these 2 programs?
Which is best suited for what applications?
Is Cuelux mainly a live controller?
Do either have the capability to program a light show to a specific song?

Thank you

2010 May 31, 09:06:00
Reply #1

Maarten Engels

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Cuelux and Emulation are basically the same software, they are intended for live control without a  steep learning curve.
VisualDMX is used for fixed installation, it has more capacity then Cuelux, but is also more difficult to get to know.

If you are relatively new to DMX then I can most definetely recommend Cuelux/Emulation.
Maarten Engels
Visual Productions BV

2010 September 21, 14:19:09
Reply #2


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im 16 years old and ive worked with lightnings with 3-4 months.. and im using visualDMX because its so simple and easy.. btw if u having any problems with visualDMX.. then i can help you:)
Skype: Ketsid18

2021 March 30, 11:57:24
Reply #3


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Hello, i am looking for visualDMX software can you send it, please?


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