Please send me fixture libraries for
Futurelight PSX 575 Scanner
Control-channel 1 - Horizontal movement (Pan)
Push slider up in order to move the head horizontally (PAN).
Gradual head adjustment from one end of the slider to the other (0-255, 128-center).
The head can be stopped at any position you wish.
Control-channel 2 - Vertical movement (Tilt)
Push slider up in order to move the head vertically (TILT).
Gradual head adjustment from one end of the slider to the other (0-255, 128-center).
The head can be stopped at any position you wish.
Control-channel 3 - Pan/Tilt-speed
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F Feature
0 225 00 E1 0% 88% F Decreasing speed
226 235 E2 EB 89% 92% S Blackout at Pan/Tilt-movement
236 245 EC F5 93% 96% S Blackout at colour/gobo-change
246 255 F6 FF 96% 100% S No function
Control-channel 4 - Colour-wheel
Linear colour change following the movement of the slider.
In this way you can stop the colour-wheel in any position.
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F Feature
0 13 00 0D 0% 5% S Open / white
14 27 0E 1B 5% 11% S Red
28 41 1C 29 11% 16% S Blue
42 55 2A 37 16% 22% S Green
56 69 38 45 22% 27% S Yellow
70 83 46 53 27% 33% S Rose
84 97 54 61 33% 38% S Salmon pink
98 111 62 6F 38% 44% S Purple
112 127 70 7F 44% 50% S Pink
128 187 80 BB 50% 73% F Forwards rainbow effect with decreasing speed
188 193 BC C1 74% 76% S No rotation
194 255 C2 FF 76% 100% F Backwards rainbow effect with increasing speed
Control-channel 5 - Static gobo-wheel, gobo shake
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F Feature
0 13 00 0D 0% 5% S Open
14 27 0E 1B 5% 11% S Gobo 1
28 41 1C 29 11% 16% S Gobo 2
42 55 2A 37 16% 22% S Gobo 3
56 69 38 45 22% 27% S Gobo 4
70 83 46 53 27% 33% S Gobo 5
84 97 54 61 33% 38% S Gobo 6
98 111 62 6F 38% 44% S Gobo 7
112 127 70 7F 44% 50% F Gobo 1 shake with increasing speed
128 143 80 8F 50% 56% F Gobo 2 shake with increasing speed
144 159 90 9F 56% 62% F Gobo 3 shake with increasing speed
160 175 A0 AF 63% 69% F Gobo 4 shake with increasing speed
176 191 B0 BF 69% 75% F Gobo 5 shake with increasing speed
192 207 C0 CF 75% 81% F Gobo 6 shake with increasing speed
208 223 D0 DF 82% 87% F Gobo 7 shake with increasing speed
224 255 E0 FF 88% 100% F Cont. gobo-wheel rotation with increasing speed
Control-channel 6 - Rotating gobo-wheel, gobo shake
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F Feature
0 9 00 09 0% 4% S Open
10 19 0A 13 4% 7% S Rot. gobo 1
20 29 14 1D 8% 11% S Rot. gobo 2
30 39 1E 27 12% 15% S Rot. gobo 3
40 49 28 31 16% 19% S Rot. gobo 4
50 59 32 3B 20% 23% S Rot. gobo 5
60 69 3C 45 24% 27% S Rot. gobo 6
70 89 46 59 27% 35% F Gobo 1 shake with increasing speed
90 109 5A 6D 35% 43% F Gobo 2 shake with increasing speed
110 129 6E 81 43% 51% F Gobo 3 shake with increasing speed
130 149 82 95 51% 58% F Gobo 4 shake with increasing speed
150 169 96 A9 59% 66% F Gobo 5 shake with increasing speed
170 189 AA BD 67% 74% F Gobo 6 shake with increasing speed
190 255 BE FF 75% 100% F Cont. gobo-wheel rotation with increasing speed
Control-channel 7 - Rotating gobo index, gobo rotation
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F Feature
0 127 00 7F 0% 50% S Gobo indexing
128 187 80 BB 50% 73% F Forwards gobo rotation with decreasing speed
188 193 BC C1 74% 76% S No rotation
194 255 C2 FF 76% 100% F Backwards gobo rotation with increasing speed
Control-channel 8 - Rotating 3-facet-prism, macros
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F Feature
0 3 00 03 0% 1% S Open
4 63 04 3F 2% 25% F Forwards rotation with decreasing speed
64 67 40 43 25% 26% S No rotation
68 127 44 7F 27% 50% F Backwards rotation with increasing speed
128 135 80 87 50% 53% S Macro 1
136 143 88 8F 53% 56% S Macro 2
144 151 90 97 56% 59% S Macro 3
152 159 98 9F 60% 62% S Macro 4
160 167 A0 A7 63% 65% S Macro 5
168 175 A8 AF 66% 69% S Macro 6
176 183 B0 B7 69% 72% S Macro 7
184 191 B8 BF 72% 75% S Macro 8
192 199 C0 C7 75% 78% S Macro 9
200 207 C8 CF 78% 81% S Macro 10
208 215 D0 D7 82% 84% S Macro 11
216 223 D8 DF 85% 87% S Macro 12
224 231 E0 E7 88% 91% S Macro 13
232 239 E8 EF 91% 94% S Macro 14
240 247 F0 F7 94% 97% S Macro 15
248 255 F8 FF 97% 100% S Macro 16
Control-channel 9 - Focus & Zoom
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F Feature
0 85 00 55 0% 33% F Zoom 1 & Continuous adjustment from near to far
86 171 56 AB 34% 67% F Zoom 2 & Continuous adjustment from near to far
172 255 AC FF 67% 100% F Zoom 3 & Continuous adjustment from near to far
Control-channel 10 - Shutter, strobe
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F Feature
0 31 00 1F 0% 12% S Shutter closed
32 63 20 3F 13% 25% S No function (shutter open)
64 95 40 5F 25% 37% F Strobe-effect with increasing speed
96 127 60 7F 38% 50% S No function (shutter open)
128 159 80 9F 50% 62% F Pulse effect in sequence
160 191 A0 BF 63% 75% S No function (shutter open)
192 223 C0 DF 75% 87% F Random strobe-effect with increasing speed
224 255 E0 FF 88% 100% S No function (shutter open)
Control-channel 11 - Dimmer intensity
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F Feature
0 255 00 FF 0% 100% F Gradual adjustment of the dimmer intensity from 0 to 100 %
Control-channel 12 - Iris
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F Feature
0 191 00 BF 0% 75% F Max. diameter to min. diameter
192 223 C0 DF 75% 87% F Pulse closing with decreasing speed
224 255 E0 FF 88% 100% F Pulse opening with increasing speed
Control-channel 13 - Frost
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F Feature
0 191 00 BF 0% 75% F Frost from 0 to 100 %
192 223 C0 DF 75% 87% F Pulse opening with decreasing speed
224 254 E0 FE 88% 100% F Pulse closing with increasing speed
255 255 FF FF 100% 100% S 100 % Frost
Control-channel 14 - Switching the lamp, Reset, internal programs
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F Feature
0 31 00 1F 0% 12% S Normal colour- and gobo-change, search position via shortest distance
32 47 20 2F 13% 18% S Colour-change at every position, search position via shortest distance
48 63 30 3F 19% 25% S Colour- and gobo-change at every position, search position via shortest distance
64 79 40 4F 25% 31% S Lamp on
80 95 50 5F 31% 37% S Reset
96 111 60 6F 38% 44% S Internal program 1
112 127 70 7F 44% 50% S Internal program 2
128 143 80 8F 50% 56% S Internal program 3
144 159 90 9F 56% 62% S Internal program 4
160 175 A0 AF 63% 69% S Internal program 5
176 191 B0 BF 69% 75% S Internal program 6
192 207 C0 CF 75% 81% S Internal program 7
208 223 D0 DF 82% 87% S Internal program 8
224 239 E0 EF 88% 94% S Lamp off
240 255 F0 FF 94% 100% S No function
Control-channel 15 - Pan-movement with 16 Bit-resolution
Control-channel 16 - Tilt-movement with 16 Bit-resolution
Splendor 90 LED Washlight RGBW
CH1 Pan
CH2 Pan fine
Ch3 Tilt
CH4 Tilt fine
CH5 Pan Tilt Speed
CH6 Pan Tilt Macro ( 0-15 Stop, 16 - 255 12 Macros )
CH7 Macro Speed
CH8 Special 240-255 Standalone, 200-209 Reset, 80-89 Disable blackout while move,
70-79 Enable blackout ....
CH9 Dimmer
CH10 Strobe
CH11 Red
CH12 Green
CH13 Blue
CH14 White
CH15 Color Macro ( 0-7 Normal, 8-127 Color 1-32, 128-191 Color Macro 1-16, 192-255 Color Fade 1-16 )
CH16 Fade Speed
Thanks, very cool program..... :-)