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Author Topic: CueLux ussing in a Theater-Foyer, including a BCF2000  (Read 19593 times)

2010 September 12, 21:47:28
Read 19593 times


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Hello Developers and users from CueLux,

First of all... CueLux looks very nice to use  ;)

In this topic I will share and talk about our setup for in a theater-foyer.
(we still waiting for our DMX USB dongle, so all things showed here is edited/made in off-line modus !)

This fixtures are the basic setup in our Foyer:
16x Ignition FX-TG Platinum Edition 20x3W TruColor
48x Dimmers
1x Smoke-Machine F100
1x Hazer DF50 (with a NonDim dimmer to switch on and off by DMX)
1x Martin Magnum Hazer (2 channels... FogLevel + FanSpeed)

For all smoke- and hazer-machines I have made my own personality, to keep them together in the editor-screen.
Code: [Select]
manufacturer "Generic"

fixture "F100 en Hazer"
smoke   486   0,255
        label   "Hazer"
        msb     487   0,220
        label   "Fan"
        msb     488   0,255
        offset 487
        on 221,255
        time 10
        offset 0
        on 255,255
On the moment the NonDim (shutter) is the first fixture in this personality and start with DMX-channel 24...
For the F100 and the Martin-Hazer the DMX-channels starts now from 510 !
(I'm not sure if I can change the DMX-channel separate from our dimmers...
otherwise I can start with DMX-channel 509 for the NonDim channel to make it easier.)

Also for the Igniton Led's I have changed the personality...
The reason was that with the basic personality we will mis a effect-channel !
Here the code for "mode 5" only:
Code: [Select]
manufacturer "Ignition"

fixture "PAR 64 SHORT FLOOR 20X3W PWM RGB"
mode "Mode 5"
color red 0 0,255
color green 1 0,255
color blue 2 0,255
offset 3
control 16,255
msb 4 0,255
     offset        5
         slot 0,31 CLR_WHITE
         slot 32,63 CLR_UV
              slot 64,95 M603
              slot 96,127 M104
         slot 128,159 M312
         slot 160,191 M206
         slot 192,223 M108
         slot 224,255 M301
         scroll        0,255
I'm using the Color-Mix slots for each separate effect function.
I hope this works well  ::)

Here a screen-shot from our CueLux:

I also edited this a bit to give it more a personal look for our Foyer.
The name TAHS means: Theater Aan Het Spui  ;)

We hope to get the DMX-Dongle next week, so we can test this setup and all the functions with the BCF2000...
For the BCF2000 I have changed the Smoke-Button for the Release-Button.
Because we have already solo-faders for all smoke- hazer-machines, so we don't need the Smoke-Button.
« Last Edit: 2010 November 03, 15:18:33 by TAHS »
With Best Regards,

2010 September 13, 22:00:28
Reply #1

Zoë Castle

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This looks great!  Your enthusiasm is brilliant - thank you for your support.

I hope all goes to plan when you receive your cable  :)

Greetings from London, Zoe
Zoë Castle
Sales Manager
Visual Productions BV

2010 September 13, 22:13:52
Reply #2


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Hello Zoë,

Thanks for your positive response  :)

After reading some interesting topics here, it was easy to change some midi-settings/personality's.
Tomorrow I'm back to work and I hope the dongle is arrived to.

Enjoy your time in London...
With Best Regards,

2010 September 15, 18:47:53
Reply #3


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Hello To all,

Yesterday the USB->DMX dongle did arrived  :)
All edited Personality's working well.

I did not get enough time to play with CueLux.
I only programmed our basic cue's and this was a easy job.

@ Maarten ore Colleague,
For all SwitchPack fixures the basic Shutter-code is not OK !
I did copy/paste this code for my NonDim function (for our DF50 Hazer on a dimmer)...
When I'm using this original code the used DMX channel stays without the programmer @ 100%...
(for a shutter-function this is true but not for a SwitchPack function)
This means that all SwitchPacks have the same problem.

This code works fine for a SwitchPack or a NonDim function:
Code: [Select]
        offset 0
        on 255,255
With Best Regards,

2010 October 02, 17:16:00
Reply #4


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Hello All,

I have a question about the fade in/out time...
Is there a limmit in a maximum of seconds ?
On the moment we using a 3000 seconds (is 50 minuts) fade-in/out time for one cue.
It looks there are some problems with this time...
In the first cue all fixtures getting a preset value, the second cue is the cue with the 3000 seconds fade-in/out...
The problem is, all fixtures don't make a crossfade in the 3000 seconds time-line !
After the 3000 seconds, all fixtures going in 2 seconds to the new value's from the second cue.

A other thing with the fade-in/out times...
When I set the speed-slider to 50%, the time-counting go's to fast !
When I set this to 4% it looks OK, when cuelux starts counting by CuePosition.

I hope there is a solution for this.
We using version 1.02 build 13 (Mac OS)
With Best Regards,

2010 October 04, 12:32:57
Reply #5

Bart van Wunnik

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We have reproduced the problem that you describe with the speed/time aspect.
We will look further in to this to get it solved in the next version.

Could you tell me with what attribute that you are fading with? (e.g. dimmer, color)

Bart van Wunnik

2010 October 04, 12:35:15
Reply #6


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I'm sorry...
I forgot to say that it happens with a RGB color-change from our LED-pars (dimmer-functions are fine)
Is it possible to make this functional in a cue.

Otherwise I have to edit the personality for our Ignition LED-pars. (I hope not, otherwise we can't use the color-picker anymore)

Edit: Thanks Bart for your answer... ;) i hope to hear it soon.
« Last Edit: 2010 October 04, 12:37:41 by TAHS »
With Best Regards,

2010 October 04, 13:55:55
Reply #7

Bart van Wunnik

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Hi Marten,

We have fixed this bug already, it will be solved in the upcoming release.

Bart van Wunnik

2010 October 04, 14:37:17
Reply #8


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Hello Bart,

Thanks for your reply.

The next release, is that a Beta or a non Beta version ?
(I don't like to use a Beta in a live situation)
I just ask you this, because this is now happen in the 1.02 build 13 (Mac OS) and the 1.02 build 14 (Windows) !

Anyway... good to hear that it's solved.
With Best Regards,

2010 October 05, 10:37:15
Reply #9

Bart van Wunnik

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Hi Marten,

I can understand your point, not wanting to use a beta version for live situations.
There is one beta to come, after that we will release a new version of Cuelux.

Bart van Wunnik

2010 October 06, 07:56:23
Reply #10


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Hello Bart,

I will wait until the full release  ;)

Still a question about all new Beta's...
Is it possible (during the setup) to give the Beta-version a separate map/folder in the documents ?
(just like the Program-folder: C:\Program Files\Visual Productions\Cuelux10214)

When I install a Beta-version, it now shares the same map/folder in my documents with the 1.02 version !
This makes it not easier, because all Fixtures are set to DMX-channel 1...
And the 1.02 version can't support some files, like some XML files for personality's.

A other thing about auto-saving the Show-file...
Is it possible to auto-save it during the show/programming as a Temp-file ?
Because now when there is a mistake in that file, it's not always possible to Undo that.
When Cuelux can auto-save Show01.xml as a Show01Temp.xml, the Show01.xml file will always stay as a Back Up...
until I have saved Show01.xml again with the Show01Temp.xml file.
With Best Regards,

2010 October 06, 09:32:34
Reply #11

Bart van Wunnik

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Hi Marten,

It is not possible to change that directory, this is because it can be confusing.

The real time-backup feature that you describe is already on our to-do list.

A new Stable release will be available within 3 weeks :)

Bart van Wunnik

2010 October 13, 15:18:47
Reply #12


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Hello Bart,

Thanks for your reply... I can't wait to the new Stable Release  :)

@ All,

A small Upgrade in our setup:
This week we did start using CueLux together with Qlab (see here for more info about Qlab:
It's a great MAC OS X App to have anyway.
For our Lights in the Foyer, we programmed 4 Cue's in CueLux...
With Qlab I have made some Midi-commands to control CueLux.
The 4 Cue's are all triggered on time and works great.
(now we don't have to press the GO-button anymore, it's now all standalone)

The BCF2000 is also used for some other Lights...(front-lights Fade-in/out and a special Fade-in/out)
With some Buttons We trigger directly the Midi-Cue's in Qlab and Qlab gives the GO to CueLux.
With Best Regards,

2010 November 03, 15:16:22
Reply #13


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Hello @ All,

I'm happy with the new version from CueLux...
By the new Version, the RGB color-change follows now the fade-in/out time.
This is a great upgrade, now it go's more smooth when the color will changed to a new color.

Yesterday I found finally some time to make some changes in the Foyer programming...

In the beginning I made one single cue-list (with 4 cue's) for our Foyer...
With Qlab I made some Midi-cue's to trigger them on time: (was just a GO on time for that single cue-list)
1:00 PM = a cue for daylight
5:00 PM = a cue for the evening
8:25 PM = a cue to make some more light for the public (8:30 PM is our show-time)
8:45 PM = a cue for after the show (not to bright)
The only thing was, it wasn't possible to trigger the cue's direct from Qlab.
This is why I have made 4 separate cue-lists with most 2 cue's included, without a fader-start.
Cue-list one has the "1:00 PM cue and also the 5:00 PM cue"
Cue-list two has the "5:00 PM cue and also the 8:25 PM cue"
Cue-list three has the "8:25 PM cue and also the 8:45 PM cue"
Cue-list four has only the "8:45 PM cue" 

Now I can trigger the cue's directly from Qlab. (and always sure, that the right cue is loaded)
The first Qlab-cue is to set all faders to max and activate the "1:00 PM cue" with a fade-time from 3 seconds. (all fade-times are programmed in CueLux)
The second Qlab-cue is a GO for cue-list one, so it go's to his "5:00 PM cue" in 10 seconds...
After a delay from 20 seconds, there is a GO for cue-list two... to activate the "5:00 PM cue"  in zero seconds.
After a delay from 10 seconds, there is a Release on the first cue-list...
This routine (second Qlab cue until the Release) makes it possible to keep the color-change smooth.
This routine is for all cue-lists the same.

When I'm back @ work, I will make some screen-shots from CueLux and Qlab and some pictures from our Foyer-setup.
With Best Regards,

2010 November 03, 16:48:30
Reply #14

Bart van Wunnik

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Hi Marten,

That sounds like a nice setup with the timed Cue's.
It is a creative way of using Cuelux.

I am looking forward to the pictures and the screen shots!

Bart van Wunnik


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