On the 2 top encoder groups, the encoder-push is a reset.
I can program the playback buttons on the third (under-left) group. I can't put the Bank+/- on those buttons because they don't send MIDI messages.
ALL the BCF buttons can be programmed. I am just working on a layout with (from top to button)
- Release Buttons for the upper play buttons in Cuelux (Push on Rotaries, still no function for rotary, dont know what will be useful)
- Play Button (Upper Row)
- Play Button (Faders)
- Fader Level
for 8 channels.
TOP RIGHT 4 Buttons: Bank down/up both for Fader and Button Bank
Store/Learn/Edit/Exit Buttons: still guessing
Preset left: Release, Preset right: Blinder
Lower 4 Buttons: Strobe, Fog, Tap, BO
Most of the functions are already implemented, feedback seems to be tricky at all. I am still waiting for the cuelux guys to give a complete list of available commands.