I purchased the Cuelux today and will need the followind precedures for remote controlling it via Behringer BCF:
8 x Level (Fader lower section), Feedback would be fine to selected Bank as done in the original BCF file
8x Go (lower section with Feedback=LED on if active to BCF)
8 x Button Down (Upper [Button Section] with feedback = LED on if active)
8 x Release UPPER section (as been done in the Elation setup)
Bank up / Bank down Button (upper) section
Bank up / Bank down Fader (lower) section
Release Button with feedback
Blinder Button with feedback
Strobe Button (feedback doesnt matter but would be fine as latch as well)
FOG Button (please unlatchedl)
TAP Tempo Button, no Feedback needed
Blackout Button (with feedback)
Master intensity Fader
Controller tpyes and numbers doesnt matter as long as they will be able to put into the BCF:
Faders: CC, NRP, PC
Buttons: CC, NRP, PC, Notes
If you'd provide the xml file for these wishes and it would work I would give my Behringer syx to all the Cuelux users for free. (Why? Worked 10 hours on the setup but got stuck in the middle. If you'd support I will do seriously as well.)
Cheers and thx a lot 4 supporting.
Please provide the MIDI commands available in Cuelux. (I know Message9 is CC, Message 11 is Note on, but what would lead to PC etc ...) What are the remote destinations and what is the syntax?)
I am a MIDI and DMX programmer for 20 years and have a lotta knowledge in these things. Work as a musician, light and VJ programmer and as a recording and mixing artist as well.