I've got two problems with stacklists. It's very urgent, as I have a big show on friday.
problem #1: The stacklist is patched on a playback fader, fader start is disabled. When I pull up the fader, some cues start, although I haven't started the stacklist yet. If I activate fader start, start and relase the fader once and disable fader start again, the problem is gone.
problem #2: I have several stacklists (patched on faders). They all contain cues, that are patched on faders. At some stacklists, I can control the level of the cues via the stacklist-level, at others this is not possible (cues always have 100% intensity, independent from stacklist level).
I looked into the show .xml (chapter stacklists) and found most of the time:
<item cue="-1" level="1">##name of cue##</item>
But sometimes there is:
<item cue="0" level="1">##name of cue##</item>
What's the difference between -1 and 0?
I really need some help :-(
Greetings, Juli
Win XP 32bit, several versions of Cuelux (v37 to v40) tested