Visual Productions forum

Author Topic: CueCore memory size  (Read 2679 times)

2014 July 10, 13:05:00
Read 2679 times


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In the CueCore we can change the number of available slots and having fewer slots makes the memory available bigger. I'd like to know what the actual size is so we can take that into account while designing the animations.

I'm aware that only changes in cues are recorded, i'm just wondering how many changes are possible in a slot (worst case scenario).

For instance if the memory for a slot when split into 8 would be 512kb it would allow changes to 512 channels to be recorded for 1024 cues which would translate to roughly 26 seconds at 40hz.

Are there any actual numbers available for this?

2014 July 23, 15:14:21
Reply #1

Maarten Engels

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I made small test that shows that the worst-case scenario for 512 channels @ 40FPS would last 21 seconds. In this worst-case scenario all channels are changing in very dmx frame.

If your content is changing less frequent then this duration can extend towards 1 hour, especially when you lower the FPS to 30 or so.
Maarten Engels
Visual Productions BV


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