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Author Topic: cuecore and artnet  (Read 2752 times)

2014 September 04, 17:43:03
Read 2752 times


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As an experiment I'm trying to implement an artnet library for c# to talk to a cuecore device. In doing so I have made the following observations.

The spec says artpollreply goes to the "directed broadcast" address. Considering default ip config of the cuecore this is However the cuecore sends the artpollreply to This is the "Limited Broadcast" address. Difference is that the limited one will not pass a router, but directed will. Why does the cuecore do this?

Als the spec for artpollreply says the maximum port count is 4 but looking at transmission using wireshark I get 512 from the cuecore. I still have to verify this but might be that it should be 2 ports and the Hi and low byte are switched arround on the cuecore...

Is there someone here that can answer these questions?

2014 October 01, 17:10:35
Reply #1

Maarten Engels

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Thanks for the feedback. I just changed the artpollreply address to use the directed broadcast. This change will come into effect at the next firmware releases for CueCore, IoCore and B-Station.

The port count seems correct however. I have verified it with Wireshark using Cuecore firmware v1.75.

Maarten Engels
Visual Productions BV


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