Visual Productions forum

Author Topic: Cuety on Windows, Mac OS and Ubuntu  (Read 8387 times)

2015 February 26, 16:08:07
Read 8387 times

Maarten Engels

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Although Cuety is designed for tablets, we have versions available that run on Windows, macOS and Ubuntu Linux. These programs are fully functional and can be used to program and operate the LPU-1. Feel free to download this simulator and try the look 'n feel.

The Cuety and Cuety Remote for Windows, macOS and Ubuntu can be downloaded from

Please note that the Cuety program is designed for a tablet screen resolution; your monitor should have a minimum of 1080 pixels in height.

In order to start patching fixtures and programming cues a LPU hardware needs to be connected.
« Last Edit: 2017 July 10, 11:51:58 by Maarten Engels »
Maarten Engels
Visual Productions BV


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