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Author Topic: Showtec Phanthom 225 movinhead don't Go out on black out button  (Read 945 times)

2015 November 02, 21:29:57
Read 945 times


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 ??? I don't now what is wrong but my Phantom 225 Led movinhead don't do a black-out if i puch the black-out button.
I have look in the bilder with another moving head but the look the same.

2015 November 03, 11:15:35
Reply #1

Julien Levaufre

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i've just tested it, and it seems it's a bug in cuelux.
If you use the master fader the blackout work but the direct black out button do not act on the dimmer or shutter.
I will notice this to the developpemnt team.
Julien Levaufre
Visual Productions BV


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