Visual Productions forum

Author Topic: ioCore, CueCore and sensors  (Read 2236 times)

2016 January 28, 15:10:03
Read 2236 times


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Anyone with any experience using sensors with ioCore / CueCore? I´d like to trigger a cuelist when someone enters a room.

Motion sensors, proximity sensors, vibration sensors, whatever´s out there.

2016 February 03, 09:29:57
Reply #1

Jurriën de Klerk

  • Visual Productions
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  • Posts: 94
Hello Ijos,

Both the IOCore and CueCore can be triggered via digital signals. Note that the CueCore can't be triggered by any analog signals , which is possible with the IOCore. I don't have any experience the the sensors themselves, so I can't give you any advice on them. Before you use any of them, please do check for maximum voltage requirements, since to high voltages can damage your CueCore or IOCore devices.
Good luck and best regards,

Jurriën de Klerk
Visual Productions BV


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