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Author Topic: Martin Atomic 3000  (Read 13816 times)

2005 May 14, 02:48:44
Read 13816 times


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Hallo Maarten,

(Terzijde, is de voertaal hier nederlands of engels??)

Ik probeer zojuist de Atomic goed aan de praat te krijgen in Visual, maar vooralsnog lijken alleen de intensiteit en de flashrate aangestuurd te worden. Zo kan ik geen aansturing voor de flash-duration vinden, en ook niets voor het effect-kanaal. Voornamelijk voor het "blind"-effect wel handig om het duration kanaal ook te kunnen aansturen (en in de intelligent-editor).

2005 May 19, 09:07:53
Reply #1

Maarten Engels

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Hello Remy,

Regarding your question on the language; I prefer this forum to be in English as it makes the information available for more people to understand.

I have looked into the personality file of the Atomic. The problem here is that VisualDMX works with supporting attributes of intelligent fixtures like pan/tilt, colour, gobo, etc. Nor the flash-duration or blind-effect are standard attributes within VisualDMX. Perhaps one day I will add them. For now, my solution is to map the Iris function onto the flash-duration and the shutter function onto the blind-effect. Hopefully this is not too confusing as the labels for the functions are not correct. However, what it does do is allow you to control these certain aspects of your strobe plus enables you to program them by means of cues and sequences.

Additionally, I have mapped a couple of inbuilt strobe effects of the Atomic onto the new Macro attribute.

The upgraded personality file for the Martin Atomic will appear in the 1.32 version that is about to be released.
Maarten Engels
Visual Productions BV

2005 May 19, 11:53:15
Reply #2


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Hello Maarten,

Thanks for your answer. What I did was using a single channel dimmer fixture and patch this to the flash duration channel.

A special function for the blind effect is not really necessary, because this effect is created with a long flash duration, and a high flash rate. If the flash duration channel is added to the Atomic personality, you can create this effect, and use it easilly, using the cue editor.  

Only thing that remains then is the 4th optional effect channel. I don't use for my applications, but it's something to consider.

2005 May 19, 14:05:35
Reply #3

Maarten Engels

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The 4th channel is the one with the inbuilt effects, so this channel is mapped on the macro attribute.
Maarten Engels
Visual Productions BV


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