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Author Topic: Running out of tasks  (Read 1986 times)

2017 February 06, 11:23:07
Read 1986 times


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I´m running out of Tasks on my IoCore - i have the following setup:

6 GPI port 0-10v trigger, via DMX, 5 tracks each on 6 playbacks on a QuadCore.

I need to "release" IoCore DMX triggers. So when  GPI1 is at 0% and trigger 1 is sent, I need to release channel 2,3,4,5 so they don´t output 255 constantly when they´re not supposed to be active.

So: 6 GPIs, 5 Actions each, 5 Tasks in each Action = 150 Tasks, which isn´t possible.

Is there any way of making sure all other channels within the GPIs input divisions (1 - 5) are off, and not run out of Tasks? Some kind og release range, release multiple, set multiple channels to zero or something like it?

2017 February 06, 11:26:09
Reply #1


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« Last Edit: 2017 February 06, 11:38:50 by ljos »

2017 February 06, 14:22:01
Reply #2

Guido Visser

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Hello Pekka,

I have looked at you backup file.
Please correct me if I have misunderstood what you are trying to do.

I think you want to have 1 channel high in the range of 5 channels to be controlled by 1 GPI pin.
All other channels in this range should stay at 0.
And repeat this for 6 (or all) GPI pins.
But you have run out of actions / tasks.

If this is what you would like to do, you could do the following.
There is an task (action -> link -> Set) which can start another action.
This other action could be an action in a User List.
This new action could clear a range of channels.
The new action in the user list will still use 5 tasks.
However you can execute these this action multiple times.

This costs you 5 task for clearing and 5 tasks for starting per range. ( 5 + 5 ) x number of ranges
You would save 4 task per action per range. ( 4 x 5 ) x number of ranges

I have included a modified version of you backup file.
This contains an example for the first range.

Best regards,
Guido Visser
Visual Productions BV

2017 February 06, 14:35:25
Reply #3


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Thanks! Yes, absolutely, that´s what I was hoping to achieve.

The tasks execute in sequence, so first all are set to zero, then the one triggered goes - alone - to 255.


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