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Author Topic: How to use KIOSC  (Read 4109 times)

2017 November 02, 09:38:45
Read 4109 times


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I downloaded and installed KIOSC from the appstore. I want to control Cuelux Pro by this software.
I found the program by searching more about OSC, knowing that I need to use that te get this working.
But, I never worked with OSC command before, I don't know how it works and, I can't find any type of manual here on the forum.

I've got the next questions with I think can help me:

- At the kiosc editor, what do I have to fill in at the "OSC tags" by for example a fader? Is it a IP adres, a port adres, or just a number or character?
My IP adres of the computer cuelux pro is on is
My IP adres of the cuecore is

- In kiosc program, what do i have to fill in at OSC?
Incoming port is standard set at 8000, is that correct?
And, what IP adres do I have to fill in? Of the cuecore, of the PC? And with portnumber next to ":"?

- Do I have to make a OSC action in the actionlist? And, how do I do that?
With URL do I have to fill in at the trigger?

Please help :-)

Michiel Gerringa

2017 November 02, 12:14:23
Reply #1

Michael Chiou

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Hello @Michiel Gerringa,

There are 2 ways to use Kiosc with Cuelux Pro.

- First is the "Visual Tocuh" way, by creating a Touch screen action list and selecting Cuelux Pro form the remote devices on Kiosc.
- Second way is OSC. That means you to follow these steps:
    1. Create a custom layout on Kiosc Editor.
    2. Import it in Kiosc and set CueluxPro as an Osc Target (OSC Target is CueluxPro's IP address and incoming OSC port).
    3. Create an OSC action list on CueluxPro, and for each action set the trigger to equal the OSC tag you have set on Kiosc Editor.
    4. Enjoy using the product.

I have attached an example show file for CueluxPro, an example Kiosc file , and the Kiosc Layout with have created specifically for CueluxPro.



Michael Chiou
Visual Productions BV


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