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Author Topic: Ghost Cues  (Read 1902 times)

2017 December 10, 10:30:20
Read 1902 times


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I have my CueCore2 with firmware 1.22

Unfortunately I still have a ghost cue in my playbacks.

What can I do to make it disappear?

I switch my cue via the GPI.

At the end there is always an empty cue and it is displayed on the CueCore2 as: -/12
After that it starts again from the beginning as it is correct with 1/12, 2/12, 3/12 etc.

Thank you for your help.


2017 December 12, 10:33:37
Reply #1

Guido Visser

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    • Visual Productions
Hello Danit,

If the ghost cue is a cue which "exists" but does not work this might help.
1. Create a backup.
2. Factory defaults.
3. Restore the backup.

Otherwise I am not sure if I understand what your ghost cue is. Can you give me a print-screen or a backup of your CueCore2.

Best regards,
Guido Visser
Visual Productions BV


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