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Author Topic: Additionally, an action can be used to fetch the time??????  (Read 1992 times)

2018 January 10, 12:29:40
Read 1992 times


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Good day, sometimes our Quadcores (already upgrated with the last firmware) lose the datetime, It seems not clear the  relation of cause and effect. In the manual there are the following informations :
"The Time Server field allows a NTP server to specified. At start up, the QuadCore
will fetch the time and date from this server. Additionally, an action can
be used to fetch the time. The DST and the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
are taken into account when obtaining the time for the NTP server."
During the reboot the Quadcores allign the datetime, but can you suggest how is possible to create a new action to fetch the time?
In order to avoid this problem I'd like to schedule more time during the day a fetching action.
Thanks a lot

2018 January 10, 16:18:33
Reply #1

Guido Visser

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Hello Messeng,

The QuadCore can forget the time and date if it is powered down for more then 2 days. Otherwise it should remember the time and date. I assume that the QuadCore was on the whole time. If so you are the second person in a short time to have this problem.

Using a Time server
For your question about creating additional timer server synchronization points.

On the show control page you can add an action to the scheduler action list.
Change the trigger value to specify when the synchronization should happen.
For every year enter: XXXX
For every month enter: X
For every day enter: XX
On a specific time: 23:00:00
Please try to pick a time when the unit is not used. The time update can cause the playbacks and other systems to pause for a few seconds.

Then add the task called "Time Server -> Refresh -> Set". This task will request a update from the configured time server on the settings page.

Best regards,
Guido Visser
Visual Productions BV

2018 January 11, 09:17:29
Reply #2


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Many thanks again.

Best regards.


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