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Author Topic: Kiosk  (Read 5033 times)

2018 April 23, 14:38:41
Read 5033 times


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I have install a kiosk software and kiosk editor, and in the same network i have a Cuecore2.
In Kiosk Editor I Configure 1 button with OSC or UDP Tag 1
Then in the Cuecore i cofigure 1 action with target OSC or UDP 1 and i give dmx action Increment on the Universe B.1
but then in the kiosk i push the button 1 but dont'work.... where is wrong?? in configuration kiosk OSC in must give some IP??
thx for reply

2018 April 23, 17:21:30
Reply #1

Michael Chiou

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Yes you will need to add the CueCore2 as an OSC Target.


Michael Chiou
Visual Productions BV

2018 April 25, 14:07:54
Reply #2


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In Show Control I give an action OSC. and a this action i give one DMX channel. ( OSC value is 1 ) then i try local with command execute and this work.
Then i go in kiosk editor i create a button with OSC 1, but question ??
- in kiosk the remote muss the cuecore2 or the kiosk editor? because when i click on the cuecore my config of button disappears.
and in the OSC target  i must give the IP of cuecore right?
 - when in showContro I add a Kiosk action then work all but then i can't configure my kiosk with my settings..
Sorry but I' m entry level of this production... maybe you have some youtube demo or like this?

thx claudio

2018 April 26, 09:53:26
Reply #3

Guido Visser

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Hello Claudio,

We do not have a video about Kiosc at this moment. However I can describe the steps you can take to setup a button to control a DMX channel using the Kiosc Editor and Kiosc. You can do the following things:

Lets start in Kiosc Editor:
1. Add a button.
2. Set the OSC tag. Please note a tag has to start with a forward slash /. For example /1 or /example
3. (Optional) Save the layout to a file.

Then in Kiosc app:
1. Connect to the kiosc editor. Or open the file you have created with the Kiosc Editor.
2. Add the CueCore2 as an OSC target. This can be done in the options under OSC. You will have to enter the IP address of your CueCore2 and the OSC port. For example You can find the IP address and the OSC port on the settings page of the CueCore2.

On CueCore2 show control page:
1. Add a task to the OSC action list.
2. Set the trigger value to the same URI as you have entered in the OSC tag in Kiosc Editor.
3. Select a trigger flank. Down for when the button is pressed. Up for when the button is released. And change for both pressed and released.
4. Add a task DMX.
5. Set the feature and function.

I would use the trigger flank change with the task DMX -> Channel -> Control. Param 1 is the channel.
Or Trigger flank Down with the task DMX -> Channel -> Toggle. Param 1 is the channel and param 2 is the value.

Best regards,
Guido Visser
Visual Productions BV

2018 April 26, 16:29:17
Reply #4


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Thx Now work!!!!
the problem was in the OSC command I don't why... but when on kiosk editor I make a / this don't underst the command and I see ( & ) but then in cuecore i click on "Learn"
then I see the command ( /& ).  I'm sure che Keyboard is right with on word the symbol on 7 is right....
Tanks for support. you have some document over the the parameter ( axais / rgb /colorpicker) ?

2018 April 30, 09:04:10
Reply #5

Guido Visser

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Hello Claudio,

Good to hear you have got it to work.

Also very strange that the / key would create /&. Can you tell me which Operating system you have and which keyboard layout you use? Then we can see if there is a problem.

Best regards,
Guido Visser
Visual Productions BV

2018 May 01, 09:06:09
Reply #6


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I have some test and is only with keyboard layout on swiss french and swiss german then i set on english work good!!
The operation system i try on mac ( osx el capitan) and windows 10 but the problem on keyboard is the same.. but now on englis is ok!!!



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