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Author Topic: Small Build-in Webserver for testing  (Read 12264 times)

2007 December 09, 15:45:48
Read 12264 times


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Last week i was in a theater where they used a small palm top (Win CE) to switch on/off dmx channels for
testing and setting up the lightning.  It looked like a small webapplicatie and it saves a lot of time walking around.  Only one guy could
do everthing on his own. When he wants to set a light, he just gives in the DMX-channel and how many % and the light works.
I've taken a search round the inertent and found an similar piece of software '''
Perhaps an idea to ad something like this to VisualDMX? ???
With the Visual pc on a network with Wifi i would be handy.


2007 December 10, 09:05:01
Reply #1

Maarten Engels

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Nice idea; certainly worth considering...

The communication part of this feature already excists, we have already developed a TCP/IP client-server communication-model for VisualTouch and Visual3D; that could easily be reused for such a remote.
« Last Edit: 2007 December 10, 09:08:02 by Maarten Engels »
Maarten Engels
Visual Productions BV


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