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Author Topic: Cuelists do not work independently ?  (Read 2328 times)

2019 June 10, 11:45:21
Read 2328 times


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Hi guys,

I am working on Cuety LPU-2 with the programmer on Windows10 and have discovered a problem:

Imagine I have two cues on one LED RGB fixture:

Cuelist 1: Only one cue in the cuelist: Red = 100%, dimmer = 100%

Cuelist 2: Two cues in the cuelist, mode = follow, delay = 1 sec, no fade
   a.) Green = 100 %, dimmer = 100%
   b.) Green = 0%, dimmer = 100%

Now I start both cues.

I would expect, that I can dim up and down the red at the fade 1 and the green blinking at fader 2, but this is not the case.

The fixture blinks from red to yellow and I can control the intensity either on fader 1 oder fader 2.

Am I doing something wrong ?


2019 June 11, 10:22:03
Reply #1

Bootsy van der Zande

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Hi Axel,

As soon as you include intensity in your cuelist, the fader will only control the intensity channel of the list.

To do what you want to do, you have to set the intensity in a third cuelist.  So:
List 1: only red, fader controls red.
List 2: only green. Fader controls green.
List 3: Intensity: Fader controls the intensity.

Are you using RGB fixtures, or RGB + DIM fixtures? In case of the first, you could also disable virtual dimmer. But I think using 3 lists works better.


2019 June 11, 14:03:26
Reply #2


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thanks for the reply.

Currently I use the Cameo-Q-Spots in 4ch-mode with virtual dimmer.

The Cuety is only a gateway as the commands come via http from another system. So I will check what is the best configuration for me.

As far as I can see, this behaviour is different to CueluxPro, correct ?


2019 June 12, 09:27:34
Reply #3

Bootsy van der Zande

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Hi Axel,

Using 3 lists should work for your setup right?

CueluxPro works a bit different, with more options indeed. But I would say Cuety/LPU is more stable.


2019 June 12, 09:33:45
Reply #4


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so far I have tested only the version "without virtual dimmer" and it does NOT change anything. Of course I have not deleted the cuelists, only disabled the virtual dimmers.



2019 June 12, 10:57:34
Reply #5

Bootsy van der Zande

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Hi Axel,

I think you have to recreate the Cuelists without the intensity. This way it will work. You will need to put the intensity on a different Cuelist then.


2019 June 13, 10:41:39
Reply #6


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it is hard to understand, why the programming is so difficult. I think I will change to another device.

Anyway I have at least two errors on the programmer 1.11 on windows:

1.) The button colour change green -> red is not updated.

2.) When I edit a cuelist and the cuelist has more cues than 7, I must move the list to the left side with the mouse to see for example cue 8. This enables all cues by fault.


2019 June 13, 11:21:40
Reply #7

Bootsy van der Zande

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Hi Axel,

What exactly do you find difficult? Perhaps I can help.

1) Can you tell me how to reproduce this? I'm not exactly sure what you mean.

2) This is annoying indeed.I have noted this in our buglist. Thank you for letting us know and I'm sorry for the inconvenience at this time.



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