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Author Topic: Timespan and sunset integration  (Read 2371 times)

2021 June 28, 09:48:58
Read 2371 times

Andy ESL

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Hi Support,

I've a few ideas how to achieve this but I thought it might be useful for all if the definitive solution were available on the forum.

We've an install for facade lighting that needs to illuminate at sunset ( with perhaps an offset ) everyday and extinguish at 1AM - for this we use the scheduler controlling playback intensity.
The use of intensity is because we are using timespan to choose the correct cue dependent on season/holiday.

We are using timespan to guarantee the show recommences should there be a loss of power.

in an ideal world sunset/sunrise would be options in timespan and therefore we would need only timespan.

because we can't, we need to nest timespan and scheduler.

So, the question: How do we nest timespan and scheduler in order to relaunch the correct cue on a restoration of power between sunset and 1AM ( and not outside that period )



2021 July 05, 09:51:13
Reply #1

Bootsy van der Zande

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Hi Andy,

As we already discussed on the phone, there is no way of doing this right now unfortunately. But I added the timespan sunset-sunrise options to the wish list.


2021 July 13, 11:18:14
Reply #2

Andy ESL

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Thanks Bootsy,

for the moment then, I imagine the cleanest way of ensuring a relaunch of the show would be to give the timespan a daily start hour that coincides with the earliest possible show launch time ( ex. sunset +1hr on the 21st dec ). Keep the show launch task in a UserList and issue an attempt to launch at reboot.




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