For dumping cuelists directly from cuelux pro to the quadcore, if you set up the quadcore as the dmx interface for cuelux pro, you just need to click on the dump button, click on the play button of the playback you want to dump, type the number of the track you want to use in the quadcore and press enter. In the opened window select the frame rate and click OK. It will automatically record your playlist in the quadcore.
To control the quadcore from the bstation, you can choose UDP, OSC, Art-Net and DMX...The easiest being UDP and OSC. In the bstation show control tab create some button actions sending for exemple udp strings to the quadcore and in the show control tab of the quadcore create some udp actions that will be triggered by the messages sent by the b-station and you can select what ever action you need!
I hope this will help you,