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Author Topic: noob advice - midi/cuelux/visualdmx/ ??  (Read 4408 times)

2009 July 27, 03:33:42
Read 4408 times


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howdy everyone! thanks in advance for any help supplied-

first, i dont understand the difference between visualdmx and cuelux - visual dmx looks a little more extensive, but hard to say - i downloaded it and i get a black screen with the "no network connected" symbol - is that becuase i dont have a hardware interface?

but i did download cuelux and it seems awesome! i am a mac user, so this was a pleasant surprise as a mac light controller seems hard to come by-

my question about cuelux:
rather.... here is my setup and i was hoping if someone could tell me if this is possible to do

the only light in my rig would be a chauvet 4bar LED-
the only way i can controll it is by spitting out midi messages - PC, CC, or noteOn/noteOff
my midi device is actually a RME FireFace800 digital audio interface..... not a foot controller or a fader unit-
but i can control my FireFace800 with a midi foot controller and get the FF800 to spit out midi commands at my will-
the midiOut of the FF800 is sent to my MAC PRO using a midi--> USB converter-

so i was hoping i could get CueLux to respond to these midi messages---- is this possible?
does CueLux respond to multiple midi channels or just 1?
does it matter if another program on my MAC is allready using the midi commands being sent to it? ...meaning.... can you have 2 programs use the same internal midi port?

my chauvet 4bar will be providing mostly a color wash..... but strobe effect and chases would be nice as well - is it possible to attach midi commands to these functions? you just attach the midi commands to cue's?

how much is this? i couldnt access the store......... is the usb--->midi thing thats provided just a cable?? or is it a small box chassis?
and usb powered?



2009 July 27, 16:40:46
Reply #1

Maarten Engels

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hi Fro,

Cuelux is an entry-level lighting controller, meaning its affordable and easy to use. Plus it runs on Mac and Pc.
VisualDMX at the moment only runs on Pc and is a more powerfull lighting controller. It costs a bit more than Cuelux but offers more features and larger capacity, and for your interest, it offers more flexibility for interfacing with midi.
It sounds like you've downloaded VisualTouch which is a different app (for remote controlling VisualDMX).

Seeing your a mac user and your lighting rig is not that large, I would advise you to see if you can get the job done using Cuelux and if that fails then resort to VisualDMX that has more MIDI customization. If you download Cuelux you can test your MIDI-setup without requiring to purchase the usb-to-dmx cable.

Cuelux only responds to one MIDI device, it can listen to any MIDI channel. I think you can have Cuelux and another program listen to the same MIDI device simultanously, but I'm not 100% sure. Please try this out. One way to go is to setup your FF800 unit to simulate a tascam/korg/behringer midi device already supported by Cuelux. A combination of CC's and note's are used to control the playbacks. I'll attach the Tascam's midimap file as a reference.

Just create cuelists for all the different effect you'd like to apply on your 4bar. Then assign the cuelist to your playbacks. Finally trigger your playbacks via MIDI.

The shop is not online yet. Cuelux' retail price is EUR 349 and VisualDMX's Duple unit is EUR 795.
The USB-to-DMX cable that comes with Cuelux has a little circuit board inside the XLR connector that converts and buffers the DMX data. Its USB powered.

Good luck and let me know if you have more questions...
« Last Edit: 2009 July 27, 16:46:10 by Maarten Engels »
Maarten Engels
Visual Productions BV

2009 July 28, 01:59:53
Reply #2


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thankyou for the reply my friend!
i was very excited to see how quickly you respond to peoples questions on the forum-
this means ALOT to all of us so keep up the good work!
i will try everything you suggested and let ya know how it turns out

1 last questions, how long till ill be able to purchase this?



2009 July 28, 08:48:06
Reply #3

Maarten Engels

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you're welcome!

I expect the webstore to go online in the next few weeks. In the mean time you can always drop an email to sales*at*visualproductions*dot*nl    if you include your country/zipcode then we can advise you the nearest dealer or quote you direct.
Maarten Engels
Visual Productions BV

2009 August 10, 18:00:31
Reply #4

Maarten Engels

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Maarten Engels
Visual Productions BV


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