hi Fro,
Cuelux is an entry-level lighting controller, meaning its affordable and easy to use. Plus it runs on Mac and Pc.
VisualDMX at the moment only runs on Pc and is a more powerfull lighting controller. It costs a bit more than Cuelux but offers more features and larger capacity, and for your interest, it offers more flexibility for interfacing with midi.
It sounds like you've downloaded VisualTouch which is a different app (for remote controlling VisualDMX).
Seeing your a mac user and your lighting rig is not that large, I would advise you to see if you can get the job done using Cuelux and if that fails then resort to VisualDMX that has more MIDI customization. If you download Cuelux you can test your MIDI-setup without requiring to purchase the usb-to-dmx cable.
Cuelux only responds to one MIDI device, it can listen to any MIDI channel. I think you can have Cuelux and another program listen to the same MIDI device simultanously, but I'm not 100% sure. Please try this out. One way to go is to setup your FF800 unit to simulate a tascam/korg/behringer midi device already supported by Cuelux. A combination of CC's and note's are used to control the playbacks. I'll attach the Tascam's midimap file as a reference.
Just create cuelists for all the different effect you'd like to apply on your 4bar. Then assign the cuelist to your playbacks. Finally trigger your playbacks via MIDI.
The shop is not online yet. Cuelux' retail price is EUR 349 and VisualDMX's Duple unit is EUR 795.
The USB-to-DMX cable that comes with Cuelux has a little circuit board inside the XLR connector that converts and buffers the DMX data. Its USB powered.
Good luck and let me know if you have more questions...