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Author Topic: Different B stations with the same actions - feedback problems  (Read 1728 times)

2023 November 14, 12:35:33
Read 1728 times


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Hello everyone,
Is it possible if Button1 is pressed at B station No.1 that Button1 also lights up at B station No.2?

The background:
We have two halls with 2 FOH's. There are several B stations at each FOH to switch different areas. If I now switch circuit 1 in hall 1, for example, the B station in hall 2, which can also control the same circuit, should give me feedback that this circuit is currently active.


2023 November 14, 17:40:15
Reply #1

Julien Levaufre

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sure no problem,
You will just have to ask the first B-station to send network messages to the second B-station in Buttons actions.

The best would be to have a 'master' b-station and a 'slave' B-station.

master B-station: when you press the button, do the control, display on itself the feedback and send message to the slave B-station to display feedback on slave one
Slave B-station: when you press the button, send a message to master asking to trigger same button action on the master one. (triggering the button action on the master will automatically update feedback on master and on slave)

I hope this will help you,
Julien Levaufre
Visual Productions BV

2023 November 14, 18:18:46
Reply #2


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How can I tell one B station that it is now the 'master' and the other 'slave'?

All of our B-station communication currently runs via UDP to a CueCore2.
Button 1 triggers a string via UDP which is evaluated in CueCore2 under ShowControl and sent to individual relays via DMX.
So there is no direct DMX output on any of the entire (15) B stations.

2023 November 15, 09:21:48
Reply #3

Julien Levaufre

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OK so in this case it is even easier.
In the cuecore, create a playback action list, and create an action that will be triggered by the status of the playback controlled by the B-station (active/not active),
And make this action broadcasting a UDp message with  the playback status information.

On the other side make each B-station react to the broadcast message sent by the Cuecore to display the feedback.

This way when ever one B-station triggers a playback in the Cuecore all the other B-stations will receive the feedback at the same time.
Julien Levaufre
Visual Productions BV


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