Hi! We use 4 Eurolights TMH 155.Some settings in the Fixture are note correctly. the shutter never stops. ist runs fast (on 100) and very slow (on 0) but it never stops absolutly. also the colors and gobs are not correct. is it possibly to make a new fixture for the cuelux that slove the problem?
the settings:
ch1 pan 360° = 0-255, 128 is the middle
ch2 tilt 250° = 0-255, 128 is the middle
ch3 color
0-15 white
16-31 pink
32-47 blue
48-63 orange
64-79 green
80-95 violett
96-111 yellow
112-127 red
128-255 rainboweffect higher = faster
ch4 goborotation
0-127 gobosettings
128-189 gobochange forward higher=slower
190-193 no rotation
194-255 gobochange backward hiher=faster
ch5 goboselect
0-31 open
32-63 gobo1
64-95 gobo2
96-127 gobo3
128-159 gobo4
160-191 gobo5
192-223 gobo6
224-255 gobo7
0-39 shutter closed
40-128 dimmer (shutter open)
129-139 no function (shutter open)
140-243 stroboeffect (higher=Faster max. 13 flahses per sec.)
244-255 no function (shutter open)
thanks for your help and best regards alex